Where to Find More

Interested in seeing these objects, and more, in person? Come and visit the Archives & Research Collections Centre (ARCC) in person within the D. B. Weldon Library! We are open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note that we are temporarily closed in response to the COVID-19 virus. We are still answering research questions remotely, you can reach us at archives.services@uwo.ca.

Don't know where to start? Our archival holdings can be searched at: www.lib.uwo.ca/archives/findingarchivalmaterial.html.

We have two fonds directly related to the nursing program at Western: the Institute of Public Health fonds (AFC 6) and the School of Nursing fonds (AFC 2). However, most of the photographs in the virtual gallery are from our London Free Press Collection of Photographic Negatives (AFC 177). 

Image of the physical nursing exhibit in the John A. Schweitzer Gallery.
