What to Donate

We collect a variety of different materials from organizations, businesses, families, and even individuals. At Western we not only collect records related to the University, but also records that support research and teaching. Our main collection strengths are business, health and medicine, arts, and architecture, as well as London and area records. Collecting records related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the London area is a direct reflection of our collection mandate. In order for people in the future to study and understand the events that are currently unfolding we need to be proactive and collect materials from everyday people, including you.

Image of examples of materials to donate.

So what kinds of materials should you donate? Just about anything you wish! Peruse the list below to get some ideas:

Submissions must have been created by you or a member of your family that has given you permission to submit it. Please do not upload material that is owned or copyrighted by a third party. 

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