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Performance location ID
Performance city
Performance theatre
Teatro San Angelo

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Items with "Performance location ID: Venice"
Title Class
Achille in Sciro / Chiarini, Pietro (1717c-1765c) Musical setting of a work
Alessandro nelle Indie / Pescetti, Giovanni Battista (1704-1766) Musical setting of a work
Artaserse Longimani / Pampani, Antonio Gaetano (1706-1775) Musical setting of a work
Cleonice 4th revision / Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783) Musical setting of a work
Ezio / Lampugnani, Giovanni Battista (1708?-1788) Musical setting of a work
L'Impresario delle Isole Canarie / Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744) Musical setting of a work
L'Olimpiade / Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741) Musical setting of a work
Siface / Fischietti, Domenico (1725-1810) Musical setting of a work