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Performance location ID
Performance city
Performance theatre
Teatro alla Scala

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Items with "Performance location ID: Milan"
Title Class
Adriano / Nasolini, Sebastiano (1768c-1799c) Musical setting of a work
Alessandro nelle Indie / Tarchi, Angelo (1760c-1814) Musical setting of a work
Antigono / Gatti, Luigi (1740-1817) Musical setting of a work
Demetrio / Tarchi, Angelo (1760c-1814) Musical setting of a work
Demofoonte / Portugal, Marcos António (1762-1830) Musical setting of a work
Ezio / Alessandri, Felice (1747-1798) Musical setting of a work
Ipermestra / Rispoli, Salvatore (1745c-1812) Musical setting of a work
Nitteti / Bianchi, Francesco (1752c-1810) Musical setting of a work
Olimpiade / Bianchi, Francesco (1752c-1810) Musical setting of a work