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  • Seeing the World Through a Colombian Lens: Travel Stories from Roberto Mocetón

    Roberto Mocetón shares the cultural importance of travel in Colombia. He reflects on his motivations for personal travel after moving from Bogotá, Colombia to London, Canada with his family. Roberto views travelling as an opportunity to connect with his family, become more globally-minded, and pass along these values with his son. He highlights that travel is a way for us to learn from and connect with others. In this video, he also reflects on the similarities and differences between the role of travel in Colombian and Canadian cultures.
  • An Identity of Work: The Importance of Work and Family in the Life of an Arabic Canadian Immigrant

    The story of an Arabic Canadians journey in immigrating, finding employment, and regaining his identity in his chosen line of work, This is a portrait which demonstrates the struggles new immigrants face, the highs and lows of moving countries and being in new cultural contexts, and how identity can be lost and found in the work that we do. Through the lens of this portrait can be seen the truth of what it is like to search out opportunity and work hard for a dream that many Canadian citizens share: to do what you love with those you love in a place where you feel secure and happy.
  • Berlin: An Anchor Of Culture

    Beginning with Evelyn’s cultural connection with Canada and how that relates to her experiences in Berlin as a text overlay. We explore Evelyn’s first memories in the aftermath of World War 2. Afterward, we transition into life during the rebuilding of Berlin and her experiences transitioning between East and West Berlin before the Berlin Wall is built. Evelyn recounts her visits to East Germany after the wall has been built and the struggles faced with the new reality of strict border checks and a wall separating east and west. Finally, Evelyn reflects at the lasting effects the division has had on the German people and the entire country itself, as well as what her connection to Berlin means to her.