An inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec.24, MDCCXCV. and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, earl of Southampton: illustrated by fac-similes of the genuine hand-writing of tha


An inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec.24, MDCCXCV. and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, earl of Southampton: illustrated by fac-similes of the genuine hand-writing of tha
list of authors
Malone, Edmond
Printed by H. Baldwin, for T. Cadell, jun. etc.
General Notes
ESTC T37242. Western copy listed. Folger notes:
On the forgeries of William Henry Ireland.
Page 243, line 10 reads "originals"; variant reads "original". See errata on page vii.
Page 278 line 13 reads "liking"; variant reads "choosing". See errata on page 424.
Signatures: [A]⁴ B-3H⁴ 3I².
With a half-title.
"Directions to the binder" on leaf A3 (p. [v]); errata on A4 (p. vii) and 2H4 (p. 424).
The two final leaves contain a prospectus.
Bound in light green goatskin. Previously owned by Samuel Ireland. Contains his signature and his extensive marginal annotations throughout. Additional signatures found within as well.
Spatial Coverage
Special Collections