Pregnant in a pandemic


Pregnant in a pandemic
I am doing very well. Being quarantined for 4 months has allowed our family to rest (before the birth of our third daughter on April 21,2020) and bond (after the birth). We have enjoyed not having unexpected visitors, and having extra time to complete projects and chores. Having both parents and all 3 children at home has been a blessing. We have enjoyed the relaxed routine.
My husband and 3 daughters, aged 4.5, almost 2 and newborn (born around the first peak of the pandemic in Ontario, April 21).
Our home life has been fabulous. Our young children don't understand or realize what is happening, so they have been thrilled to be home with their entire family and a relaxed routine. We are passing time by reading, playing outdoors, doing online school for our oldest daughter, cooking and some home renovation projects.
I was able to work from home before beginning maternity leave. My husband was laid off April-June and collected CERB. We are not essential workers.
My largest concern was giving birth at the hospital and not knowing how bad the pandemic would be at the time I went into labour. It ended up being very quiet at the hospital and I felt safe. Otherwise we have not been too concerned, as we are in a low risk group (20s, and young children) and we have been strict about isolating (with one of us grocery shopping for the family).
I think the Ontario and Canadian leaders have done well, with constant updates and support for families. I think the media coverage can be overwhelming but I chose to only check ever couple of days.
I think the challenges ahead will be a potential second wave in Canada. And I think international travel should be suspended until a vaccine is in place.
I think cleaning practices will be different. I hope people will take this opportunity to travel less and improve their impact on the environment.
I was anxious during pregnancy, especially when little was known about the virus, but felt the hospital has done a good job of isolating cases and making everyone feel safe. I am glad my partner was allowed to attend the birth with me, and I was able to leave the hospital from the delivery room so I wasn't exposed to another unit of the hospital. I didn't feel like I had less care during pregnancy and postpartum compared to my other pregnancies. Im so thankful that this has allowed my family to be together. I know the pandemic has been difficult for many people but in my case it has improved our mental health and allowed us extra time as a family while receiving financial support from the government.
Meg Gurnett
June 27

This item was submitted on June 27, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions” on the site “COVID-19 in London, Ontario”:

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