Mrs. Susan Avey


Mrs. Susan Avey
Ok now that we are finally in stage 2. I found it very hard at first but then to start doing busy work
I have been isolated with my husband
We are seniors. Not seeing our grand children was very hard. We cleaned, watched TV, lots of news watching, sorted through the large volume of slide pictures we have. Puzzles. walked our dog lots. Husband worked on his honey do list. I got to experience a surprise 70th birthday in May. My family covered our front lawn with windmills to mark my day. This was not the original plan. I think it was better. So much fun for neighbourhoods to see as they walked or drove by.
Neither of us are essential workers but his work place is. My husband still works full time. He was laid off mid March. He has been back to work now for 3 weeks. He found out he doesn't wish to fully retire yet. Found it very hard to be home everyday.
Very concern as we are seniors. We only left the house for groceries once every 2 weeks. Very nervous being out in the public but we always wear a mask. I still stay home as much as this is not over yet.
No we don't. But had heard from friends who had experienced this. What a terrible ordeal they have been through. They are very causes now.
I am pleased With how the federal, provincial and local leaders are dealing with this. They have been doing daily news conferences to keep us all informed since March and only stopping I think in mid May to take a whole weekend off. Very proud to be a Canadian
I think we will have a very long time yet for what we call normal life to return. We are doing the right thing opening up slowing. You just have to look at the YS to see what happening now since they started opening too quickly last month. Over 9,000 case reported in one day in Florida. Yikes that is bad.
We will still watch the physical distancing we do with people that are not in our social bubble. I do think is will be best to be caused at first given our age too. Very concern moving forward for our 3 children and 7 grand children. Our youngest grand child is 4 next month. He just misses playing with his friends at day care. Our oldest who is 18 is now getting together with friends but she is being causes. At least that is what she says
This has been a life experience for sure.
Susan Avey
June 27.2020

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