June 18 2020 - Entry #1


June 18 2020 - Entry #1
I stay home 97% of the time... and indoors most of that time. Shopping is done by my partner, although I go along for the ride (but stay in the car).
Not much: I am retired.
That some people will become frustrated with the restrictions and will become careless in terms of exposing themselves and others.
Only one person in the UK, and I have not been indirect contact, so don't know how it affected that person.
Locally and nationally, I think things have been well-handled. Internationally, especially in the US, not very well handled (but not surprising given the US leadership).
I think that many people will find it increasingly difficult to remain under restrictions, particularly when fall comes and there is a great pull to get back to normal, particularly with respect to education (at all levels). I don't think we will be "back to normal" for about 9 months (e.g., early spring 2021).
I think people will take more care in matters hygienic, and will stay a bit more "at a distance" in crowds. (Maybe the younger folks won't, but I'll bet mature people will.) I am very concerned about group homes for elders and those needing long-term care. We need some deep changes there, and I hope that issue is attended to very soon.
Not at this point.
Jun 18

This item was submitted on June 18, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions” on the site “COVID-19 in London, Ontario”: https://verne.lib.uwo.ca/s/covid19

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