Mounted plates and illustrations of the play, the former in colors, the later in sepia. Space is left for the mounting of the text, but, except for four pages, text has been omitted. The printing of this illustrated ed. was done by E. Nister at Nuremberg.
Devoted mainly to a study of the death-mask.
"Reprint of an article in Scribner's magazien for May, illustrate his life-size, in bronze, of Shakespeare...a model for his portrait."
Imperfect: portraits wanting. Bound in plain brown boards. Crosby copy. Purchased at the sale of Joseph Crosby's Shakespeareana Library Catalogue No. 217.
The 1st American ed. General introduction.--The two noble kinsmen, The London prodigal, Thomas lord Cromwell, Sir John Oldcastle, The Puritan, or The widow of Watling street, The Yorkshire tragedy, The tragedy of Locrine. (From Omni, Same appears in Folger) Also issued with some undated editions published by Cooledge & Scott, Webster & Geary of London. (From Folger)