Approximate date. Folger notes: 50 prints in 1 v. : engraving. A collection of engraved title pages and plates from the Tegg edition of Shakespeare’s Works 1812-1815.
The matter on the verso of the 4th, and on the 5th and 6th prelim. leaves is printed in double columns, differing in this respect from the first three editions.
The dedication and the preface of the first folio edition are retained.
Original title: Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, seven Plays, never before Printed in Folio: viz. pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The history of Thomas Lord Cromwel. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The fourth edition. London, Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley...1685.
Collation, errors in paging and signatures of the original are substantially preserved. The Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies are separately paged, but with many errors, omissions and repetitions. (The last page is numbered 995). There is no modern paging, but after the 9 preliminary leaves, the signatures are numbered in twos from 1 to 2231, a blank leaf completing the last signature. The second reprint of the first folio edition. Edited by Lionel Booth. Includes the dedication and prefaces by John Heming and Henry Condell. (From Omni)
"The documents on which they were founded are mainly spurious."--Dict. nat. biog.Folger notes: Privately printed, "only a small number of copies" ; 25 copies were also printed on large paper.
"Prolusions genealogical and biographical on the family of William Shakespeare, and other families connected with him": v.1, p. [1]-120. (From Omni, Same appears in Folger)