Spevack, Halliwell-Phillipps Bibliography1845:9. Issued with Ritson's Fairy tales in 1875 under title Fairy tales, legends and romances illustrating Shakespeare and other early English writers (ed. by W.C. Hazlitt). (From Omni, Same appears in Folger)
Victoria edit. of Shakespeare / edited by William Aldis Wright (London : Macmillan, 1887), and Concise poetical concordance / Charles Augustus Durfee (New York : Alden, 1883)--P.2.
Very elaborate binding in "the style of decorative art which prevailed in the Shakesperian age"--Pref.
The five court masques include: The mask of queens, and The twelfth night's revels, by Ben Jonson; The mountebank's mask, by John Marston; The mask of the twelve months; The mask of the four seasons. (From Omni)
An elaboration of the general introduction to the "Henry Irving Shakespeare." cf. Note, 3d prelim. leaf."Notes on the early editions of Shakespeare": p. 134-136.
"Reprinted 1897, 1900."
ESTC T6435. Western copy listed.
Folger notes:
Anonymous. By Francis Gentleman.
Also issued, with a final leaf of advertisements and an engraved plate, as part of: ’Bell’s edition of Shakespeare’s plays’, vol.1, 1774.
A reprint of Gentleman’s ’The Orator’ published at Edinburgh in 1771.
With a final advertisement leaf
ESTC T6428. Western copy not listed. Folger notes:
Author identified on p.[v] as William Kenrick.
With a half-title and 2 pages at the end, listing Kenrick’s works.
Title vignette.The first Italian edition was published with title: Hystoria nouellamente ritrouata di due nobili amanti ... Venezia [n.d.] Later editions were published in 1535 and 1553. cf. Brunet, Manuel du libraire; and Graesse, Trésor de livres rares et précieux.