'Numi possenti.' Recit. from Demofoonte / Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
- Setting ID
- 5150
- Work ID
- Demofoonte
- Element linking field
- Numi possenti.
- Composer ID
- Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
- Title
- Demofoonte
- Title for display purposes
- 'Numi possenti.' Recit. from Demofoonte / Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
- Is this the first musical setting of this work
- Score location
- CH-Gc (X 5 (Ms.10483)), S-Skma (T-SE-R), D-Hs (M A/831 (Bd. 1, Nr. 27)), D-MÜs (SANT Hs 3850), I-PEsp (M CXXXI/18), I-FZc (RM cart.48.3 [all are with “La dolce compagna” which is part of the aria “Se ardire e speranza” (Tim., Demof. 1,13)])
- Item sets
- Metastasio: Settings