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'Già la notte s'avvicina' aria from La pesca, Cantata 10 / Porpora, Nicola (1686-1768)


Setting ID
Element linking field
Già la notte s'avvicina
La pesca, Cantata 10
Title for display purposes
'Già la notte s'avvicina' aria from La pesca, Cantata 10 / Porpora, Nicola (1686-1768)
Is this the first musical setting of this work
Score location
CH-Gpu (Ms.mus.27 (Ms.1253)), CH-Gpu (Ms.mus.452 (Ms.1263)), I-Rrostirolla (MS MUS 564), I-BGi (XXVIII 9158 M [as canzonetta]), D-B ( 8240), D-MÜs (SANT Hs 3314 (Nr. 6)), US-Wc (M1505.A1 Case (vol. 181))
Notes on data sources
No setting of complete work