'Per darvi alcun pegno' aria from Catone in Utica / Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816)
- Setting ID
- 4374
- Work ID
- Catone in Utica
- Element linking field
- Per darvi alcun pegno
- Composer ID
- Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816)
- Title
- Catone in Utica
- Title for display purposes
- 'Per darvi alcun pegno' aria from Catone in Utica / Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816)
- Is this the first musical setting of this work
- Score location
- D-SWl (Mus.4115 [with recit. “Vinceste, inique stelle!” (Cat., Cato. [v.1] 3,11) I,1404]), I-Mc (Mus. Tr. ms. 933 [with recit. “Vinceste, inique stelle!”])
- Item sets
- Metastasio: Settings