'Gonfio tu vedi il fiume' aria from Ipermestra / Martini, Giovanni Battista (1706-1784) |
Musical setting of a work
'Io non pretendo, o stelle' aria from Ipermestra / Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1751) |
Musical setting of a work
'Io non pretendo, o stelle' aria from Ipermestra / Martini, Giovanni Battista (1706-1784) |
Musical setting of a work
'Ma rendi pur contento' aria from Ipermestra / Adolfati, Andrea (1711-1761) |
Musical setting of a work
'Ma rendi pur contento' aria from Ipermestra / Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835) |
Musical setting of a work
'Ma rendi pur contento' aria from Ipermestra / Jommelli, Niccolò (1714-1774) |
Musical setting of a work
'Ma rendi pur contento' aria from Ipermestra / Piccinni, Niccolò (1728-1800) |
Musical setting of a work
'Mai l'amor mio verace' aria from Ipermestra / Blangini, Felice (1781-1841) |
Musical setting of a work
'Mai l'amor mio verace' aria from Ipermestra / Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783) |
Musical setting of a work
'Mai l'amor mio verace' aria from Ipermestra / Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802) |
Musical setting of a work
'Mai l'amor mio verace' aria from L'Ipermestra / Pérez, Davide (1711-1778) |
Musical setting of a work
'Or del tuo ben la sorte' aria from Ipermestra / Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783) |
Musical setting of a work
'Or del tuo ben la sorte' aria from Ipermestra / Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816) |
Musical setting of a work
'Or del tuo ben la sorte' aria from Ipermestra / Prota, Tomaso (1727-1768p) |
Musical setting of a work
'Pensa che figlia sei' aria from Ipermestra / Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783) |
Musical setting of a work
'Pensa che figlia sei' aria from Ipermestra / Jommelli, Niccolò (1714-1774) |
Musical setting of a work
'Pensa che figlia sei' aria from Ipermestra / Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802) |
Musical setting of a work
'Perdono al crudo acciaro' aria from Ipermestra / Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785) |
Musical setting of a work
'Perdono al crudo acciaro' aria from Ipermestra / Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783) |
Musical setting of a work
'Perdono al crudo acciaro' aria from Ipermestra / Jommelli, Niccolò (1714-1774) |
Musical setting of a work
'Più temer non posso ormai' aria from Ipermestra / Cafaro, Pasquale (1708-1787) |
Musical setting of a work
'Pria di lasciar la sponda' aria from Ipermestra / Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785) |
Musical setting of a work
'Se il mio duol, se i mali miei' aria from Ipermestra / Adolfati, Andrea (1711-1761) |
Musical setting of a work
'Se il mio duol, se i mali miei' aria from Ipermestra / Anfossi, Pasquale (1727-1797) |
Musical setting of a work
'Se il mio duol, se i mali miei' aria from Ipermestra / Bertoni, Ferdinando (1725-1813) |
Musical setting of a work