M. William Shake-speare's King Lear: the second quarto, 1608, a facsimile (from the British museum copy, C. 34. k. 19.) by Charles Praetorius ... with introductory notice by P. A. Daniel.


M. William Shake-speare's King Lear: the second quarto, 1608, a facsimile (from the British museum copy, C. 34. k. 19.) by Charles Praetorius ... with introductory notice by P. A. Daniel.
list of authors
Shakespeare, William
C. Praetorius
General Notes
Now believed to be falsely dated; really issued by William Juggard in 1619. cf. A. W. Pollard, Shakespeare folios and quartos, 1909, p. 81-104; H. C. Bartlett, Mr. William Shakespeare, 1922, p39-40, 48.With facsimile of original t.-p.: M. VVilliam Shake-speare, His True Chronicle History of the life and death of King Lear, and his three Daughters. With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom Bedlam. As it was plaid before the Kings Maiesty at White-Hall, vp- pon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Hollidaies. By his Maiesties Seruants, playing vsually at the Globe on the Banck-side. [Printer's device] Printed for NathanielButter. 1608. [1619]. (From Omni)
list of editors
Praetorius, Charles
Daniel, Peter Augustin
Spatial Coverage
PR2750.C5 no.34
Special Collections