COVID reflections


COVID reflections
I’m fine. This whole experience seems like It’s surreal. My daily routine is the same, mostly.
My wife and I are the only 2 humans in the house. We have 4 cats.
I have been working during the entire time; mostly from home and sometimes at the office. I’m now tired of this routine
It is harder working from home than being in the office where I have access to all my paper files and have all the equipment I need to do my job efficiently.
Early on, it seemed like people who should have been tested for COVID 19 weren’t. Now, there’s a push to test (which should have been done in the first place)
My neighbour, but he was not tested as he hadn’t been out of the country...
The media coverage has been overwhelming at times. I have to give high marks for our leaders in Ontario and Canada for stepping up. No one is perfect, but they are fairly consistent.
The challenge will be a second wave if and when we are open and people become complacent because they have been isolated for too long and tired of the daily routine. As a society, we are natural born shoppers... shopping is a pastime. Open too early and there will be huge consequences with the second wave
Online shopping has come to the forefront; kindness and friendliness have become more normal between strangers who pass on the street or sidewalk (with social distancing). Limits on the numbers of people in one place will be the norm (somewhat unfortunately).
Early in the pandemic, going to work on the road was quieter; as early as May, I noticed a lot more traffic on the roads, but still there was a lot of empty parking lots
Philip Templeton
July 2 2020

This item was submitted on July 2, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions” on the site “COVID-19 in London, Ontario”:

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