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Collected Item: “June 18 2020 - Entry #1”

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June 18 2020 - Entry #1

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Jun 18

How are you doing?


Are you isolating with someone else, if so who (relationships, not names i.e.. father, sister, roommates, spouse, your children etc.)?


How has COVID-19 affected your home life? How are you passing the time?

I stay home 97% of the time... and indoors most of that time. Shopping is done by my partner, although I go along for the ride (but stay in the car).

How has it affected your work, education, etc.? Are you an essential worker?

Not much: I am retired.

What about the outbreak and response to it has you most concerned?

That some people will become frustrated with the restrictions and will become careless in terms of exposing themselves and others.

Do you know someone who has or has had the virus? How has this affected them?

Only one person in the UK, and I have not been indirect contact, so don't know how it affected that person.

How well do you think the government and other leaders are responding to the pandemic? What do you think about the local, national and international media coverage?

Locally and nationally, I think things have been well-handled. Internationally, especially in the US, not very well handled (but not surprising given the US leadership).

What challenges are ahead? How and how fast do you think normal life should be restored?

I think that many people will find it increasingly difficult to remain under restrictions, particularly when fall comes and there is a great pull to get back to normal, particularly with respect to education (at all levels). I don't think we will be "back to normal" for about 9 months (e.g., early spring 2021).

What do you think will be different after the pandemic? What do you think should be different? What will be better or worse?

I think people will take more care in matters hygienic, and will stay a bit more "at a distance" in crowds. (Maybe the younger folks won't, but I'll bet mature people will.) I am very concerned about group homes for elders and those needing long-term care. We need some deep changes there, and I hope that issue is attended to very soon.

Do you have anything else to say about the COVID-19 pandemic?

Not at this point.

What is your address? [private]


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