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Collected Item: “Want to go back”

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Want to go back

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May 11, 2020

How are you doing?

I’m doing okay. I want things to go back to the old normal. I miss seeing people and face to face interactions.

Are you isolating with someone else, if so who (relationships, not names i.e.. father, sister, roommates, spouse, your children etc.)?

I took my mom out of the retirement home because of how quickly it was spreading in homes for her safety. She is 81 with 2 broken bones in her back and has dementia.

How has COVID-19 affected your home life? How are you passing the time?

It’s been busy with my mom here and I work during the day, spend my evening with her and when she goes to bed, I do my school work and some chores.

How has it affected your work, education, etc.? Are you an essential worker?

I am currently working from home and am tired of trying to decipher emails, staring at screens for zoom calls and a definite break in communication.

What about the outbreak and response to it has you most concerned?

The death count is certainly scary but what is worse for me is how the economy is going to survive being shut down for 2 months and counting.

Do you know someone who has or has had the virus? How has this affected them?

No, but I know a lot of essential workers who worry about it daily. My brother is a police officer and my sister in law is a nurse. Both scary professions right now.

How well do you think the government and other leaders are responding to the pandemic? What do you think about the local, national and international media coverage?

I think Trudeau and Ford are on the same page and focusing on the health and safety of the people first. Over money and everything else. It’s great to see and they can’t make everyone happy, but I feel that they are doing great especially with the daily changes that happen.

What challenges are ahead? How and how fast do you think normal life should be restored?

I think normal life will never return. I think people will be more cautious but hopefully more appreciative for what they have. The economy is going to take the biggest hit.

What do you think will be different after the pandemic? What do you think should be different? What will be better or worse?

I think people will slow down. The environment will be safer with less pollution.

Do you have anything else to say about the COVID-19 pandemic?

Until there is a cure, it is just as contagious as it was day one. I worry that as the numbers go down people will worry less about it and the second wave will hit. Only time will tell.

What is your address? [private]


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