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Canadian Photographically Illustrated Books

Collected Item: “Protection”

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throughout all of this .. both my husband and I have been essential workers !!!


Since the beginning of the pandemic, both my husband and I have continued to serve the public ( as we are both essential workers ) !! We have put ourselves in risk to ensure that everyone’s needs are met !! My husbands company has literally fallen behind on what is safe to protect their employees and the public !!! My company on the other hand has gone out of their way to ensure that everyone is safe to shop at their stores !!!! Because of our safety ...we have gone so far as to sleep in separate rooms so we have no chance of passing on the virus !! Our lives and those we interact with are more important than taking a chance with everyone’s lives !! We desperately miss our family and friends .. but nothing is worth risking their lives for !!!! For months now it has been extremely stressful. But the drive by “ Hi’s “ and on-line chats are a life saver !!! Hopefully soon we can see our family and friends soon !!!!! Loneliness is very hard to take when you are protecting loved ones !!!!!!

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June 27 , 20202

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Essential workers and the fallout !!

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Robbyn Harrison

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